Sunday, October 11, 2015


Well, I've finally got it done. The collected balloon fetish short stories of Tim Popper are now available as a single volume, and I've got to say, it's a great deal. The Kindle version is only six dollars, and you can get a printed copy for only $11 (and it's eligible for free shipping for orders over $35).

If you want to get a good preview. the "look inside" feature on Amazon (only working for the Kindle edition as of this writing, but the print preview will come along soon) will give you a good taste of the collection. The book is long enough that you can read the entire first story, a flash fiction piece called Trust, in the preview, and see a good portion of my new story Popping In.

Right now the print and Kindle editions are showing up in search listings separately, but I've contacted customer service and it should be resolved very soon (CreateSpace has great customer service). Once that happens, I'll include links to the new book on the sidebar of this blog.

Because I now have all of these stories available as a collection, which is definitely the most economical way to get them, I will probably stop promoting the individual short stories here and on Twitter, and concentrate on trying to tell people about the book. But I'll still keep them available separately as Kindle books for those who want them ala carte.

I've got lots of housekeeping work to do on the publishing side, so I won't be that visible on social media for a little while. But I'll be back.

Meanwhile, enjoy the stories, and many happy balloons.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

It's Here

My new story, Popping In, a New Year's Eve popping fantasy, is now available in the Kindle store. As I said in my last post, if you haven't read all of my stories, you might want to wait a few days and buy my entire collection instead of buying this individual story.

You also might want to hold off if you, like me, like holding a physical book in your hot little hands, to bookmark, highlight, dog-ear, and lend to a friend, because the collection is the only way to get these stories in print format.

And, the collection has two bonus works of flash fiction that I think you'll enjoy that are not available separately.

Whatever works for you, I hope you enjoy the stories, and I promise more in the months and years to come.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Coming Soon, But You Might Want To Wait

I'm publishing a new short story for Kindle in the next couple of days, a New Year's Eve popping fantasy called Popping In. But (and I don't think you expect an author to say this), you might not want to buy it right away.

That's because, within the next week, I will be releasing a collection of balloon stories that includes this new one, my three previously-published stories, and a couple of flash-fiction efforts that will only be available in the collection.

And the collection will be a bargain. Even in printed form, it will cost less than the combined price of the short stories on Kindle.

Of course, if you've read all my previous stories, you should probably get this one separately. But if you haven't, just be patient for a little bit longer and then you can pig out on 40,000 words of balloon-fetish erotica.

I'm getting exciting just thinking about it.